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Reasons for Endangerment under the Youth Protection Act

A reason for endangerment is a legal term used in the Youth Protection Act to designate a situation that may be problematic from the perspective of the Direction de la protection de la jeunesse (DPJ).

Reasons for endangerment can be retained after one or several reports are made to the DPJ.

Different Reasons for Endangerment

Abandonment : When a parent has died or when a person cannot take charge of a minor child.

Negligence : When the fundamental needs of the child are not met, either educationally or physically.

Psychological Maltreatment : When a child suffers or witnesses verbal violence by the family or when there is a serious risk that such a situation may occur.

Abuse : When a child has suffered sexual or physical abuse, or when there is a serious risk that such a situation may occur.

Serious Behavioral Problems : When it’s seriously believed that a child could harm their physical or psychological integrity and the parents do not take the necessary means to end the situation.

On What Elements Does the DPJ Base to Declare a Concerning Situation?

The DPJ bases on four (4) criteria to denounce a situation of endangerment on a child :

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