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on family law

Representation of Children in Family Court

The separation of parents can be a challenging time for children. Indeed, during a separation, children can quickly find themselves in the middle of the conflict. They may feel the need to be heard or supported throughout this process and especially want to be able to express their opinions. They may also feel caught between the two parents and feel obligated to choose between them, known as a loyalty conflict. This is when the appointment of a child’s lawyer can be relevant.

It’s essential to remember that child custody decisions must primarily consider the children’s best interest, not the parents.

Why Engage a Lawyer for the Child?

The mandate of the child’s lawyer is limited; they can only make representations on what would be in the child’s best interest. Additionally, the child’s lawyer’s mandate can cover only one issue in dispute, such as the school the child will attend, or be present throughout the judicial process, as the situation warrants.

The child’s lawyer will be better able to report since they will meet the child several times throughout the judicial process.

The most common criteria for appointing a lawyer for the child are:

Generally, their role will be to :

Who Pays for This Type of Mandate ?

Two options can be considered for the payment of the lawyer for the children’s fees :

Contact Us !

If you wish to file a request with the Court and need assistance

Contact us for an initial consultation with one of our lawyers specializing primarily in family law and youth protection.

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